Mar 15, 11:27 in ToneGym Official
Congrats @Adam Burbidge for winning the Silver Ears Award!
Kathy Anderson
Mar 15, 14:57
Good for you!!
Does your ear training session turn into a jam session when you sitting with your instrument when doing exercises from ToneGym?
Mine most of the time: Route VI turns into chord progression exploration, intervalis into something else.😅
Do you share the same experience?

I have a lot of fun doing it like this, otherwise it gets really boring
Member A0DMS
Mar 15, 05:18
I think you do the right thing, but I dont have a piano to play when training my ear.
Question Toothbrush
Mar 15, 12:48
@Mark Tomato Alley Yes, we are here to train ears, but my approach here - ok, I have this interval which I see written when I press C after answering, what if blend it with another interval, or I have this chord progression in this scale, what if I take it to another scale, how does it feel like? The point that I don't use instrument to aid me in an exercise, but I use it after guessing to solidify the knowledge by applying it on an instrument straight away.
Mark Tomato Alley
Mar 15, 14:00
@Question Toothbrush, yes, I find what you're doing very interesting! Maybe the way I wrote didn't make it clear: I'm in total agreement with you 😀
k sh
Mar 06 in ToneGym Cafe
Hello guys hope all is well!
I have a question about numbering or more broad theory.

when people use number like 6-4-1-5, I feel like people always think in Major key. If someone want to think in minor key, they'll use roman numerical like i-V-III-VII'
am I right?
but this is not my main subject sorry. (correct me if I'm wrong tho but I think people who use 6415 are not so strict on theory?)

Anyways, my main question is, what's the pros and cons of think everything in major or why people think in major key always? What I mean is Only when they use Natural minor scale.

Here is the example song. I think the overall song feel is minor/mellow. But it's natural minor so E major/C#minor.
Would you say it's major or minor? if so why? or it doesn't really matter or neither??

Peace out!
Brian Sidebottom
Mar 15, 01:51
Not quite. If it's a natural minor key (Aeolian), the 7 will be flat (compared to the major key). If the key is harmonic minor, the 7 will be raised a semitone (or not flattened as it would in the minor key).

So, the 7 in a harmonic minor scale is the same as the 7 in a major scale, and the rest of the notes are the notes of a natural minor (Aeolian scale). The harmonic minor scale is just a slight variation on the natural minor (Aeolian) scale.

I don't think the Staind song you are referencing has a harmonic minor note at all. I think it is (1-6-3-7) in the key of C#min.

Minor scale: i ii III iv v VI VII

C# (1) would be minor
A (6) would be major
E (3) would be major
B (7) would be major

All the notes of the key of C#min:
C♯m, D♯dim, E, F♯m, G♯m, A, and B

No harmonic minor note (B#) at all :)

Those are the exact same notes as an Emaj scale--C# minor is the relative minor of E major--but it's all about the context in which the notes are played. Playing those chords in the context of C# (C# as the root note) the scale is minor, and has that sad or mysterious feel you mentioned. Played in the context of E (with E as the root note), the scale is major, and has a happier feel to it.

Does that make sense? I hope I'm not confusing you or leading you astray :)
k sh
Mar 15, 02:24
k sh
Mar 15, 02:35
Yea the Staind song I shared is major, that I'm clear about it.
My question is mainly about this video I just shared above. It's from ToneGym official Learn Video

So basically this guy is saying that minor key Must have harmonic minor.
If a song using only natural minor scale isn't minor key.
I felt that makes more sense to me because that differentiate Minor and Major clearly, because the notes aren't identical.

I think I've been confused more by random tutorial videos on internet. Like some are saying almost every, or many EDM songs are minor.
But those songs are almost exactly same as the Staind song I shared.
Meaning it's polarizing vi and I.
So basically those random producers are like it's sad and finishing at vi sounds natural so it should be minor. Which is quite misleading imo.

Anyways my understanding right now is,

if it's just relative key(Natural minor and Major), it doesn't really matter. Cuz it's super simple and you don't have to make things over complicated and think what it is. Yea you can make it mellow or sad by using more vi but you can go I anytime you want. But! if you use Harmonic minor, at least, that key is minor.

what do you think?
Alex Giddings
Mar 15, 00:04 in ToneGym Memes
Kind of reminds you of something, doesn't it?
Alex Giddings
Mar 15, 00:05
(The video, for those who might be wondering.)

Congrats @Member O0UX0 for winning the Silver Ears Award!
Good for you!!!
Colin Aiken
Mar 14
Does anyone know what the highest level of Lander is?
I'm at level 246, it stopped getting harder a while ago. Once it is giving you notes across three octaves, that is as difficult as it gets.
Jesse Lyons
Mar 13
Fatih Oruc
Mar 13
Has anybody ever had the Continue Training button appear with 0 games left to finish today's workout? Nothing but page refresh happens when I click it.
It is one's unfulfilled desire to continue training,but the pleasure inevitably ends...
Has anybody figured out the notes of level completed sound in ToneGym?
This sound:
I want to know how success sounds like
Benjamin Jack
Mar 12
Stacked rolled chords...