Everything music & ear training related


k sh
Mar 06
Hello guys hope all is well!
I have a question about numbering or more broad theory.

when people use number like 6-4-1-5, I feel like people always think in Major key. If someone want to think in minor key, they'll use roman numerical like i-V-III-VII'
am I right?
but this is not my main subject sorry. (correct me if I'm wrong tho but I think people who use 6415 are not so strict on theory?)

Anyways, my main question is, what's the pros and cons of think everything in major or why people think in major key always? What I mean is Only when they use Natural minor scale.

Here is the example song. I think the overall song feel is minor/mellow. But it's natural minor so E major/C#minor.
Would you say it's major or minor? if so why? or it doesn't really matter or neither??

Peace out!
Al Barnard
Mar 07
Hey there! This is a great question, and that song really takes me back to a different time.

While the feel is certainly mellow, my take is that this is in E major rather than C# minor. Based on how the progression begins and resolves, it seems to center more on the E major chord than C# minor. There can be exceptions to this, but in general, where the progression begins and ends will typically show which sounds are being emphasized.

As for the questions regarding chord notation, it's important to note that lowercase (i) letters are associated with minor chords, while uppercase (I) letters are for major chords.

When numbers are used, such as 1-4-5, they will ideally be in the context of a particular key.

In C major, this would mean C major, F major, and G major. The letters would be I, IV, V.

In C minor, 1-4-5 can be more ambiguous because it might be C minor, F minor, and G minor (the letters would be i, iv, v). However, it could also be C minor, F minor, and G major (to include the raised seventh). The letters for this situation would be i, iv, V (please note that the last letter is capitalized to show a major chord).
k sh
Mar 07
Thank you very much for answering! And I think I understand quite clear about numbering and partially about major/minor.
I still feel a bit uncertain about this relative key concept.. But I think I'm good for now!!
Have a great weekend Al!!
k sh
Mar 07
Oh! Maybe one more question if you don't mind!!
Can you give me some songs that are opposite from the song everything changes in this context??
Meaning, you probably feel like quite upbringing or happy at first glance and it doesn't have any harmonic or melodic minor scale's notes but actually minor key?