Everything music & ear training related


Question Toothbrush
Mar 14, 13:26
Does your ear training session turn into a jam session when you sitting with your instrument when doing exercises from ToneGym?
Mine most of the time: Route VI turns into chord progression exploration, intervalis into something else.😅
Do you share the same experience?

I have a lot of fun doing it like this, otherwise it gets really boring
Stephen Lindsay
Mar 14, 13:39
Can't say I do. I don't sit at the piano when doing Tonegym. Maybe I should?
Mark Tomato Alley
Mar 14, 14:35
I barely use the instrument while doing the training, because I want to train... not using anything else but my ear. But yeah, that's really cool that you're doing that on Route VI, it sounds interesting!
Benjamin Jack
Mar 14, 21:43
I used to play chords on piano along with the chord (progression, inversion, recognition) games to train my ear what each sounds like, this is a great way to get your ear started at recognizing what they sound like. Though as @Mark Tomato Alley said we are here to train our ears, so eventually you should try to do it just by ear.