Learning space for complete music.


Jan 07
I feel like the third section of the Complete Music course, Modern Harmony, needs prerequisites that I didn't yet get via ToneGym. Did others in this position just truck forward, or should I drop this learning course until I've learned more elsewhere?

(Maybe should I have enrolled in Orchestration first?)

Benjamin Jack
Jan 07
Yea this one I had to sit up, stand up, and jump and even then most of it went over my head!
*relatable quote from a previous post on this....

It is something that you can try to pick up as much as you can, however, it is a very dense subject. I think that understanding it would be easier if you get some background in traditional (counterpoint) harmony, which is also kind of hard.

Doing Orchestration probably will not help very much(with this topic), modern harmony is by far the most advanced topic on ToneGym, at least this is what it felt like to me.
Alex Giddings
Jan 08
Dr. B Music Theory over on Youtube is a pretty good introduction to diatonic and chromatic (tertian) harmony in SATB style; for counterpoint (and tonal voice leading) I would recommend Jacob Gran.
Jan 10
Thank you for the responses!