Everything related to Sight-reading


Hello everyone!
When one should attempt at sight reading chords and intervals? should he be proficient at reading single notes, or being mediocre at reading single notes(doing treble cleff reading at basic level with medium speed) is ok?
I would say, attempt as any time! You will know pretty quickly if you need to work on that skill more. The faster you can identify notes and intervals as they relate to key signatures or not, the better you will be at reading. It's all about getting good enough at identifying notes and structures that you don't need to think in order to do it. What I don't recommend is banging your head against the wall trying to read chords if it isn't going well. Try it and then spend time on the building blocks for a while, then try it again! Hope that helps.
Benjamin Jack
Sep 16
If you want to learn to sight read better, the sight reading playground has little value. Its only value is to teach you what each line/space means--sight reading is much more than this.

What you should practice is just sight reading on your instrument/sight singing. When you sight read you should be playing at a constant tempo and starting to analyze notes before you even get there in tempo.

You have to remember that playing music is not just playing the notes, it is playing them at the right time (rhythm) therefore if you have a passage that has quarter notes for a few measures followed by 16th notes for a few measures, you deliberately slow down the quarter notes than as fast as you can recognize them to allow you to play the 16th notes 4x as fast as the quarter notes.

Also as you get better you will begin blocking--analyzing sections of music simultaneously. This is similar to when you read a language you are not just reading the letters and putting them together into words, but reading a word or group of words at a time.
I absolutely love your responses! I need to do more real life practice then. Sight read real pieces of music and sing it. Awesome! Also, getting the basics down also helps! thank you