Everything related to ToneGym contest


David Robinson
Sep 19, 17:37
I won! That was hard...
Benjamin Jack
Sep 19, 17:54
Great work!!! I just got my first Gold (sight reading)
Inversions are very difficult, you had an amazing score!
What technique do you use to hear them?
David Robinson
Sep 19, 18:23
That is a good question. For me I think the most important thing is to have a very fast understanding of the interval content of each position. If I know the structure of all possible inversions I can navigate them with my ears much more quickly. After that it is a matter of practice.

I view theory as the bridge between my ears and my instrument (a computer keyboard in this case haha!) If you aren't clear on the structure then you are really feeling around in the dark without knowing what you are looking for.
Benjamin Jack
Sep 19, 18:39
Yea, that is what I am doing, so I guess that I just need to internalize them better. I agree, without theory you cannot succeed, and you also have little application of what you can hear without it as well!