Everything music & ear training related


Max S
Jan 03
Can you change notationist game to bass clef?
Benjamin Jack
Jan 03
No I have a ticket open on this. The devs said they would think about it.
Chuck W
Jan 04
Lol think about it
It would actually be cool to have a game that focuses on different clefs. Maybe not something that goes as fast as the notationist... But as someone who sight-reads treble clef but has a problem with bass clef, for example, there would be real value in trudging through some bass clef exercises.
Benjamin Jack
Jan 04
The devs keep pointing out this trainer: https://www.tonegym.co/playground/sightreading (not the contest the trainer)
But I personally find it boring. It has no motivation to keep playing, no levels to beat, no TPI, and really lacks the charm of the other games here. It is IMHO considerably less useful than just playing the notes on your instrument.