Everything music & ear training related


Yuki Lee
Sep 17
Melody Hunter Tips
Hi! Starting from Level 35, the phrases become super long, which is hard for me personally to memorize. Do you guys all write down notes for it or just take this one by memory? I would not like to take notes at all if many of you guys are just memorizing it, since I would assume that memorizing would be a part of the training. But if most of you guys are taking notes for it, it just means that this game does not make sense so much! Please help! Thanks!
Dima G
Sep 18
i use other apps for developing melody transcription skills, as well as real transcription. i've disabled this exercise after level 80. i find that transcribing shorter phrases but more of them will develop this skill much faster. for example, i'd try to figure out 100 of 6-8 note diatonic melodies every day, a level of melodix or melody hunter just doesn't cut it.

if it's hard to transcribe a 8-note melodic line in one go without additional listens, i'd go down to 2-3 notes or whatever is easy and work your way up through sheer volume of exercises. the trick to memorizing longer melodies is to transcribe them in real time, in other words, detecting scale degrees as the melody is being played, instead of trying to replay it in your head and figure it out after a listen.

also it helps when these are real melodies. they usually have structures, like arpeggiations, going through diatonic chords, etc. it all aids with memorization. melody hunter doesn't have that.
Igor Is
Sep 18
@Dima G do you mind sharing what other apps you use for that?
Terri Winters
Sep 18
@Dima G I'd love to know the app, too. Your comment was so helpful. I struggle with transcription - I know it's really good for my development, but it takes me so long. Doing shorter melodic phrases is something I'm going to try now. Thank you as always for your great advice!
Dima G
Sep 18, 17:46
it’s “melodic dictation” in earpeggio on the appstore. unfortunately it’s not without some quirks, for example it’s not possible to switch the key from anything other than white keys. i set the starting note either to C or A, which makes me perceive the melody as either in a major or a minor context.
Terri Winters
Sep 19, 12:01
I'm going to give it a shot -- many thanks @Dima G