Hi every one! I'm pretty new here and I don't really know what I'm doing. I mainly want to improve my ears to write more interesting chord progressions and being able to pick up on what I'm listening to. Would you veterans say that this is something that is achievable?
I have seen a lot of improvement already since I used to be completely clueless. But at the skill level I'm at right now I don't really have much use of it in practice. Im curious at approximately what TPI you guys think one starts becoming good enough to apply listening skills to real music? Just so that I have some kind of milestone to aim for. Because at the moment it feels like an impossible journey.
I have been on less than a year, but have already improved in so many areas - especially ear training and general harmonic literacy. I would say keep at it and it will happen. I would especially encourage exploring some of the learning videos. IMO, there is much in there that would definitely address what you are looking for.
In my experience, at a minimum recognizing all 12 intervals up/down/harmonically as well as being able to sing them is what’s needed to start approaching real music. Those 4 exercises will easily get you 5k tpi diamond level (or much higher).
But the spectrum is pretty huge from “oh, i think that was a fifth there, but i’m not totally sure” to “I hear/identify all scale degrees in a melody right away and also hear the bass line movement as well with 100% confidence”
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Dec 21, 17:56
Dec 22, 01:52