Everything music & ear training related


Nicholas Keim
Jan 21
Hello everyone, is there a way to allow your answers to be held and displayed till you are ready to proceed to the next question? As of right now, when playing the games, my answers are displayed for only a moment and before I can really take a good look at them, the program jumps to the next question automatically. This bothers me and if I can change this, I'd love to know. Thank you.
Benjamin Jack
Jan 21
The scale icon in the lower left, or click the c on your keyboard. You have to do this after giving the answer.
Nicholas Keim
Jan 21, 05:50
Thank you Benjamin, you're awesome. Before you told me about this, I saw that Icon and was hovering over it and clicking on it, not knowing what it did, as I now know it doesn't do anything unless engaged within seconds of answering a question... oh and I saw what it says while hovering Compare answers (C Key) I thought they were talking about something to do with the key of C as in the key signature... lol anyways, I get it now. Thank you so much for the help!