Everything music & ear training related


Sometimes I get the sound to work, and sometimes not. It’s really frustrating as it totally prevents me from training regularly. Any advice. I have an iPhone
make sure you turn off silence mode on Iphone when you do training, it prevents sounds to come out
With any apple product. ToneGym works best when you open it in google chrome
Ken Wilkens
Jul 26
Here’s a glitch I see on my iPad, and maybe this will help some folks.

When I am playing games that requrire a sing back (Melody Jay, Sofegiator, etc), when I get into the game and it asks if I would allow microphone, I click “allow.” IF I have my AirPods in, I literally have to take them out of my ears and re-connect them - otherwise it reverts back to the iPad speaker and usually can’t pic up the mic.

Really odd.
i would suggest trying different web browsers. there's a few available on iphone. one may not have the same issues as others