Everything music & ear training related


Chuck W
Jan 08, 21:33
After what has been literally years, I have finally finished final mixdown on my next Studio album. I'm so freakin' stoked, you guys! Next, off to the Engineer for Master and we'll see about the release date -

Here's my past releases in case anyone wants to listen and I thank you if you do :)

Al Barnard
Jan 09, 03:17
Great work, Chuck! Your sound is so abstract and unique.
Chuck W
Jan 09, 10:22
Thanks very much!
Cuantas Vacas
Jan 09, 11:28
I come right from your Spotify's place and I can only say 2 things about what I have just listened. One of them is WOW!, and the second one is a clumsy explanation about what I mean by WOW. This improbable juxtaposition of apparently unmatching lines and pieces results into an actually bright, interesting blend that makes every song as enjoyable as unique. Congratulations!