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Ryan Mitra
Feb 03
Hi all! I can't tell if I'm missing something, but I'm on level 37 of Route VI (chord progression detection), and I'm seeing the label of a flat VI but I'm wondering why it's called a flat VI (or if this is a mistake)?

In this example below its calling the F major triad the 'flat' VI of Aminor when it's just the VI, right? Thanks!
hmm as far as i can see its just a regular VI
F is flatVI of A (knowing that F# is the VI)
Victor Wilburn
Feb 04, 17:32
There are two different conventions when using Roman numeral notation for chord progressions. One labels sharps and flats relative to the key the piece is in. This seems to be the convention you are expecting. Another convention labels sharps and flats relative to the major scale. This is the convention Route VI is using. (Personally, I prefer the latter, as I find it less ambiguous, but YMMV.)