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k sh
Feb 05, 03:30
Hello guys! Hope all is well.
I have a question about theory or song analysis on this song called Highway 1009 by Enhypen. I'll put the link below.

I initially I thought this is key in C. and almost every 4th bar they put D Major (root F#). But some people say the key is G major. Well I honestly am sure it's C but I can't convince others. How should I approach this? Or this song can't (or shouldn't?) defined key? Some people suggest it's mode because it shows C major scale but also F#?
It'll be great if someone could answer this. Thank you!!

here's the chord progression. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Dima G
Feb 05, 05:51
It's in the key of C. the D is just a secondary dominant of G (V of V), very common in jazz, maybe less so in pop music. It tonicized G temporarily, but G isn't song's tonic in here.

The reason it's in the key of C and not the other way round is because we hear it in the key of C till that F# comes in and bamboozles us. It's a very common I-vi-VI-... progression. It's not like we were in a key of G from the very beginning with some chords from C sprinkled in, it's the other way around.