Everything music & ear training related


Benjamin Jack
Feb 04, 06:01
I have finally reached a year of workouts here. WOW I have seen a lot of progress! I am now able to recognize intervals reasonably well, progressions quite well, my melody recognition and memory has improved greatly (from zero to something), my sight singing skills are getting somewhere, and inversions are there to keep me humble.
I have learned a ton from the community as well, I want to give a big thank you @everyone!
Dima G
Feb 04, 07:42
Nice!!! What a journey!
Mihai Cosareanu
Feb 04, 08:56
Great work Benjamin! I love the 'inversions are there to keep me humble' part :))
Isadjan Klaar Narinbaiev
Feb 04, 10:09
Inspiring to hear your journey! Thanks for sharing!
Mark "Tomato" Alley
Feb 04, 14:55
Good job! Ear training is actually so useful... I also had zero knowledge of it a few years ago, and being able to identify stuff has changed the way I see and make music.
Kathy Anderson
Feb 04, 15:02
Good for you!!! Thanks for sharing. I think that it is a journey for everyone !
Terri Winters
Feb 04, 16:03
Wow! You are awesome, & I really appreciate how active you are helping the community. You rock!