Sep 07, 11:15 in ToneGym Official
Congrats @Tamás Szolnoky for winning the Golden Ears Award!
Kathy Anderson
Sep 07, 14:35
.good for you! Congratulations!
Jesse Lyons
Sep 07, 19:30
Andrew Shewaga
Sep 08, 01:39
Sep 07, 17:48 in ToneGym Official
@Chris Rogers is now a ToneGym certified member. Congratulations Chris!!
Jesse Lyons
Sep 07, 19:30
I'm on level 80 of Rhythmania now. I could not even read any note time values this time a year ago. It's been a really helpful tool to put the theory I'm learning into practice. I do get frustrated quite often because on many levels triplet 8s and 16s are used in time signatures where the 8th note gets the beat already. This is incorrect. The problem occurs when you are trying to write the counts out. It makes no sense to someone just learning how to calculate rhythms. Now I can at least still pass these levels because I know what triplets feel like. I hope that tonegym corrects these mistakes. It's on quite a few levels, not just in a few places either. I'm sure it is not easy to alter the software after it's been programed, but I want tonegym to be the best out there and for students to learn correctly. That's why I'm mentioning this.
Terri Winters
Sep 07, 12:11
I'm actually stuck on one exercise I can't get past. I swear I'm doing it correctly, but cannot get it. I have such trouble transcribing - I just don't have the patience for the detailed work required, but I keep trying!
Neil Gilmartin
Sep 07, 17:54
Good catch, Jesse. That screenshot shows a clear problem. And that rhythm would make perfect sense in 3/4, as you say. Hope Tonegym can fix these errors - I’ve also seen weird time signatures in this game a few too many times. It’s a pretty serious error for a music education website.
Jesse Lyons
Sep 07, 19:27
@Terri Winters you are getting there though and like you said, it's hard to know when you are just learning and we are given inaccurate info. We are here to learn, how would we know if what we are being taught is accurate or not ! If you ever need any help you can always send me a message. I would have never figured out that these were errors without the help of a friend. 😊
Rex Cranford
Sep 07, 15:50 in ToneGym Cafe
What am I supposed to be tapping on for rhythmic parrot?
Chris Rogers
Sep 07, 17:30
Space bar on your keyboard 👍
Primat Duha
Sep 07, 07:45 in ToneGym Cafe
Does it really possible for a human to hear inversions of the chords? 🥲
Cuantas Vacas
Sep 07, 13:14
It depends on the human
Benjamin Jack
Sep 07, 14:08
I am still not sure. I think so, but there are days that I am pulling my hair out over them. I can generally recognize a root because to me, at least, it feels less wide than a 1 or 2. But I am still often hit or miss over 1 vs 2.

Dima G is right--they should be low on your priority list.
ZAYE Kokou Abel
Sep 07, 14:22
I'm still struggling with this one
Hope that progress will come with exercice😊
Congrats @Andrew Whelan for winning the Silver Ears Award!
Terri Winters
Sep 04
@Jesse Lyons THAT made me smile
Jesse Lyons
Sep 04
@Terri Winters I loved all the Peanuts holiday specials when I was a kid 3
Congrats @Pascal RIBES for completing the 'Music Theory Basics' program!
Terri Winters
Sep 05
Hey @Colin Aiken - how are you doing??
Nice job!