Everything music & ear training related


Jesper Meijering
Nov 23, 16:48
Hey, does anyone know if there is some kind of tutorial on the Interval Barks training? I have to sing the 'Unison' note so damn long that my voice eventually kind of cracks and then it says I am out of tune. I have also tried to say the word 'Unison' on the right pitch, but that also does nothing. It's probably a stupid question, but I'm new and kinda lost here.

I'm loving the rest of the training so far! :)

It could also be that I need a better mic, instead of my built-in MacBook mic, but the Solfegiator training seems to pick up my voice without issue.
Liam Wilcock
Nov 23, 17:19
I also use my in built mic, which is hit and miss. I find that you don't have to sustain the note for long. Try singing it in a short burst and then stop and wait for it to register. Might work?