Sep 19, 22:14 in ToneGym Official
Congrats @Roman Gene Rieck for winning the Silver Ears Award!
Colin Aiken
Sep 19, 22:42
Kathy Anderson
Sep 19, 23:45
Good for you!!!
Sep 19, 08:46 in ToneGym Official
Congrats @Chris Young for winning the Golden Ears Award!
Jesse Lyons
Sep 19, 18:31
Colin Aiken
Sep 19, 22:43
Kathy Anderson
Sep 19, 23:44
Congratulations! Good for you!!!
Hi there!
I'm doing Solfegiator exercises and I feel like the analyzer is too lousy, it accepts wrong notes even if I know I missed the note, I remember the issue recently that it was too strict to accept answers, but now it's accepts almost everything. Am I only one who experiencing it?
Adam Deering
Sep 18
I think I started to notice similar behaviour. I wonder if they tweaked it too much and made it too lenient?
Adam Deering
Sep 19, 19:14
You're definitely right about this. I accidentally sang a couple of Mi's instead of Fa's earlier and it detected them as correct. Please let support know and I'll do likewise
Jesse Lyons
Sep 19, 19:28
It tends to be more sensitive on the semi tone intervals of the scale... I think a lot it has to do with how your individual ear hears that interval... some intervals of a scale have more grey area in what is considered correct and incorrect because of how notes have to be divided to accomodate different tuning systems. Just my theory 😊 I could be right or wrong about this.
Jesse Lyons
Sep 19, 18:46 in ToneGym Cafe
Just out of curiosity... what are your 2 strongest games (based on percentile) and 2 weakest games? My strongest are Interval Barks and Solfegiator... my 2 weakest are Melody Hunter and Inversionist (I plan on targeting learning inversions when I have more mental bandwith).

I find it mildly interesting that my strongest and weakest scores correlate to my instruments in real life, voice being my primary instrument and keys being my secondary instrument.

The more I practice and hammer out my weaknesses, I find that all of my skills are starting to become more well rounded, instead of having these huge disparities between my abilities.

I am curious to hear about you 😊
David Robinson
Sep 19, 17:37 in ToneGym Olympics
I won! That was hard...
Benjamin Jack
Sep 19, 17:54
Great work!!! I just got my first Gold (sight reading)
Inversions are very difficult, you had an amazing score!
What technique do you use to hear them?
David Robinson
Sep 19, 18:23
That is a good question. For me I think the most important thing is to have a very fast understanding of the interval content of each position. If I know the structure of all possible inversions I can navigate them with my ears much more quickly. After that it is a matter of practice.

I view theory as the bridge between my ears and my instrument (a computer keyboard in this case haha!) If you aren't clear on the structure then you are really feeling around in the dark without knowing what you are looking for.
Benjamin Jack
Sep 19, 18:39
Yea, that is what I am doing, so I guess that I just need to internalize them better. I agree, without theory you cannot succeed, and you also have little application of what you can hear without it as well!
Congrats Benjamin on that Gold!! Great job!!!
Cuantas Vacas
Sep 19, 06:12
Benjamin Jack
Sep 19, 14:31
Thank you!😀 That has been a dream of mine for over 9 months!
Melody Hunter Tips
Hi! Starting from Level 35, the phrases become super long, which is hard for me personally to memorize. Do you guys all write down notes for it or just take this one by memory? I would not like to take notes at all if many of you guys are just memorizing it, since I would assume that memorizing would be a part of the training. But if most of you guys are taking notes for it, it just means that this game does not make sense so much! Please help! Thanks!
Terri Winters
Sep 18
@Dima G I'd love to know the app, too. Your comment was so helpful. I struggle with transcription - I know it's really good for my development, but it takes me so long. Doing shorter melodic phrases is something I'm going to try now. Thank you as always for your great advice!
Dima G
Sep 18
it’s “melodic dictation” in earpeggio on the appstore. unfortunately it’s not without some quirks, for example it’s not possible to switch the key from anything other than white keys. i set the starting note either to C or A, which makes me perceive the melody as either in a major or a minor context.
Terri Winters
Sep 19, 12:01
I'm going to give it a shot -- many thanks @Dima G
Congrats @shinji segawa for winning the Diamond Ears Award!
Ti Filimona
Sep 16
Jesse Lyons
Sep 18
Gargantuan achievement!!👑👑
Congrats @Ian Nyachoti for winning the Silver Ears Award!
Jesse Lyons
Sep 18